Does this bookbag look familiar?  After hard-earned R and R, it’s time for Student Spring Cleaning. Spring Cleaning of materials is a tradition, but the next step of Tech Spring Cleaning is vital to student success. Most email accounts, Google Drives, and computers look like the digital form of this bookbag.  They’ve got to be purged!

After book-bags are cleaned out, move on to clearing out binders and folders. It’s probably time for new ones, anyway. Your student’s mobile office, the bookbag, is now slimmer and trimmer.Screen Shot 2019-03-24 at 10.05.24 AM

Tech Spring Cleaning

Students use more and more technology each semester, so their accounts need a purge too. Email and digital tools can become disabled if they are too full. **Images take up the most digital space, so only keep a necessary minimum.

Students can use this Tech Spring Cleaning Checklist on Google Drive.  They can share it with you or someone else. It can be customized easily.  Here is what should be cleared out:


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Urgent!. An email account disables when it gets too full; a disaster for teacher-student communications and turning work in.

Clear Out: Deleted Items Folder, Junk Folder

Delete: Delete emails from the Inbox in 15-minute increments.

Google Drive

Delete: Delete documents, sheets, slide shows, images, and videos

Microsoft OneNote

Delete: docs, folders, spreadsheets, slide shows, images, and videos


Delete: docs, folders, slide shows, videos, images, and spreadsheets

Computer Hard Drive

Clear Out: Downloads folder, images

Delete: docs, folders, spreadsheets, slide shows, and videos