Writing Support for Struggling Writers

Some students with documented learning disorders in Written Expression need more support than teacher-guidance and graphic organizers. The best way to get their thoughts on the page is to verbalize them. The biggest challenge for impeded writers is Starting, and if they can talk their thoughts onto the page, the way is cleared.

Voice to Text Assistive Technologies

Here is a list of Voice to Text Assistive Technologies recommended by my cohort in the Landmark College certificate program: Supporting Learning Differences and Executive Function challenges. Voicethread seems to be the most commonly used, with Voice Dream next.

More Time with Voice to Text

2-3 times the amount of time per writing assignment is needed.  After the student’s thoughts are on the page, the real work of written expression and content support comes in.  This needs to be done by a professional.

My older, more experienced high school students can generate an adequate first draft independently, but they still need a learning specialist/writing pro for structure, syntax, fine-tuning, and adherence to the assignment directions, etc.
**Please pardon any dead links; this list is a few months old. 

Voice Assisted Technologies: Voice to Text

Learning Ally https://www.learningally.org
Storybird Storybird.com
Voice thread Voicethread.com
Notability http://gingerlabs.com/
Pear Deck https://www.peardeck.com/
Read and Write Gold https://www.texthelp.com/en-us/products/read-write/
Natural Reader https://www.naturalreaders.com/
Snap&Read http://donjohnston.com/snap-read/
Voice Dream Reader http://www.voicedream.com/