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Right On Reading and Writing

Kids tend to lose reading and writing skills during the summer. So keep reading and writing going in a fun, relaxed way with Right On Reading and Right On Writing.

Literacy skills are like riding a bike or swimming; the more practice and repetition, the better reading and writing become. And, learners need lots of positive reinforcements to keep it all up. Choose a program that best suits your child. All programs are customized and personalized to the learners so that materials and motivators fit the student’s needs and interests.

Right on Reading!

A reading workshop format that your child will love! Readers will have a choice of reading materials that will incorporate age appropriate books, websites, magazines, newspapers, and controlled readings specific to reading proficiency. A mixture of voluntary, independent reading, reading with partners, and teacher read-alouds will be used along with guided reading and comprehension strategies. And, plenty of fun games, activities, and rewards too!

Right on Writing!

A writer’s workshop format that your child will love! Writers will write a variety of engaging products from creative selections to How To pieces that appeal to kids. In addition to writing fluency and vocabulary enhancement, sentence structure and grammar will be presented in fun activities and games. Participants will choose a final writing project to present to you and the class on the last day.

Right on Reading and Writing!

They go hand in hand! The combination of reading and writing is vital for academic and life skills. Reading is the best teacher of vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar.  Participants will read different age-appropriate selections and create a piece of writing in response to them that incorporates elements from the readings. Fun, engaging activities and games will be incorporated too.