Learning is Doing

Doing Reading and Writing Teacher’s College at Columbia has espoused the Learning is Doing tenet since its inception almost 30 years ago. But- when most of us are faced with up to 36 learners (or more)  in a group, setting the stage for learners to practice reading and writing, or listening and speaking independently is a […]

Small Groups: Collateral Learning

My time at Teacher’s College at Columbia University is beyond valuable. Although the institutes there are targeted to teachers and students in schools, teaching and learning are vital processes in all fields and organizations. I love bringing what I learn to friends and family in other industries, and they love it too. This just in from […]

Teacher’s College Writer’s Workshop Institute: Writing Volume

Volume of Writing How many baskets does Steph Curry shoot in a week? What about Cristiano Ronaldo’s goals?  The volume of their shots in a week far exceeds the volume of their shots in official games. We are well aware that Curry, Ronaldo, and all top athletes need that volume of practice and repetition to perform. So […]

Right On Reading and Writing!

Contact me at catherine@catherinefortin.org Right On Reading and Writing Kids tend to lose reading and writing skills during the summer. So keep reading and writing going in a fun, relaxed way with Right On Reading and Right On Writing. Literacy skills are like riding a bike or swimming; the more practice and repetition, the better […]

Online Tutoring

School Year 2016-17 starts in a few weeks! Are you and your student(s) ready? A major component of School Year Prep is scheduling activities, lessons, practices, games, and competitions in small, finite time-blocks. One student’s schedule can be like a Rubik’s cube. Online Tutoring So get ahead and schedule academic activities and support now. My […]

Summer Skills Practice

Here are my favorite Apps and video tutorials for subjects that require memorization, retention, and linear skill building. Our digi-kids love apps, but at times there is no better drill and practice material than a good, old fashioned note-card or a folded sheet of paper. The key is interacting with content and skills, and then […]

Summer Reading and Tutoring Tips

Summer Reading Even though I crave a summer afternoon of reading, I’m well aware that most kids just do not. I choose my books and wait for them with an anticipation like that of awaiting a midnight ice cream cone. Students generally don’t choose exactly what they are to read for the summer; they are […]

Nos Vamos a Mexico * Let’s Go to Mexico

I’m so thrilled to start using Nos Vamos a México with my KidSpanish I and II classes this spring semester. Teaching with a culturally rich and visually beautiful book is my favorite!  We’ll be learning about  Mexican geography, The coast or las costas, the Mayan and Teotihuacano pyramids, or las pirámides, and so much more […]