Multiple Choice Assessments

Most middle and high school students in America takes hundreds of objective tests that use the Multiple Choice format.  The activity is an online,  traditional Multiple Choice quiz-

Audience: Educators

Learning Goal: Content assessment

Extraneous Load. Multiple Choice carries a significant extraneous cognitive load in reading skill and speed. Students cannot show their learning of the content unless they read well and quickly. Each question has to be read, and then each answer has to be read and evaluated; this has nothing to do with content knowledge.

Intrinsic Load. This multiple choice online quiz has an intrinsic load in containing places, terms, and dates that are necessary for the student to have learned and retained.

Modified Multiple Choice

Multiple Choice tests that are assessing content knowledge need to be modified and focused on this to better reflect the content learning of students ADHD and language processing disorders. Many ADHD students also have low processing speeds and they would benefit from a modified Multiple Choice assessments. Modified Multiple Choice is a method for educators to assess students for content as opposed to content and attention, cognitive stamina,  and processing speed. It is meant for all types of educators to use, and for enough diverse learners to achieve universal design status.

See the Modification Recommendations.Modified Multiple Choice Recommendations