I didn’t know what an Academic Coach was the first time I heard the term, and it was used about me! An Academic Coach can have many different meanings and functions. Just like any sports coach, an academic coach watches a student in action, then coaches on specific academic techniques and skills. We don’t yell “Play well!” to our athletes on the sidelines; even spectators coach with specifics. “Just study!” isn’t coaching.

For me, I’ve mixed a brew of teaching, organizational, and content techniques to yield my StratCon methods.  Strategies + Content = what students need.

Academic Strategies

There is a universe of them, and so many are good. But, it’s not a one size fits all situation. Based on a student’s needs and strengths, I can determine which strategies will work. And, certain strategies work in certain subjects. The key to a strategy working is using it with real, during-school subject, or content work. I have students use strategies with their current work. Best way to do it. And, after I model using a strategy on their work, I observe them using on real work too.


Content is the other half of strategy. The school year zooms by and there is so much work per class to be done with concepts learned. So, as an English major, and former English, history, and Spanish teacher I have the experience and knowledge base to get into those subjects with students. Reading comprehension and writing instruction are also career strengths of mine. I’m the first to source a math or hard science teacher when needed.

Working Online

My students and I usually have the same documents and sites up while we video conference. I can see their work live, and vice versa. I can start a reluctant writer on an English paper on a Google Doc as he or she writes. And, I can observe how a student goes about studying, reading, writing, or doing problems. Some students maintain more focus while we are on a document online together because there are minimal distractions and I’m right there with them on the page.


This should come first! A positive, professional, and trustworthy relationship with students and their families is my priority. I don’t take on a high volume of students so that I can give time to my students and communicating with parents, teachers, and administrators.  Each student has something great to give the world, and seeing them grow is thrilling. And fun.